Facts About Mrs. DuChemin
She attended Montclair Elementary from Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
She attended Green Cove Springs Elementary (which is now Green Cove Jr. High) for 4th - 6th Grade
She went to Lakeside Jr. High for 7th, 8th, & 9th Grade
She graduated from Orange Park High in 1995
She also graduated from the University of North Florida with a BAE in Music
She taught Elementary Music for 4 years at W. E. Cherry Elementary
She's been teaching chorus, drama, and general music at Lakeside Jr. for 19 years!!
Her favorite choral moment was singing in Vienna Austria during a concert tour with the UNF Concert Choir and Chamber Singers
- She was the lead singer for the R&B band the Retro Kats
She has directed and music directed many shows at the Orange Park Community Theater.
Her favorite past role in a musical was the Sour Kangaroo in Seussical the Musical
She is happily married to an Archaeologist with a daughter at Jacksonville University and a daughter at Orange Park High School - and I love my dog Bruno!
Favorite Quotes
Be so good they can’t ignore you! - Steve Martin
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. - Jimi Hendrix